action/events 2005

events - archive 2005

Tuesday, December 6th, NYC; From New York to Baghdad: A Benefit for Iraqi Women
MADRE and the Knitting Factory Host a Gathering to Support Women’s Shelters in Iraq
Featuring Actor Kathleen Chalfant and Jazz Pianist Liz Magnes 7:00 – 9:00pm (Doors open at 6:30) Free Admission – Donations Welcome
WHAT: MADRE and the Knitting Factory are hosting a benefit to raise support for women’s shelters in Iraq and generate awareness about escalating threats to Iraqi women’s rights. In response to the continued climate of violence and increasing hostility towards women in Iraq, MADRE has launched a campaign in support of Iraq’s only network of women's shelters, which aim to protect women from a sharp rise in ‘honor killings,’ domestic violence, rape, abduction, and forced marriages. The party at the Knitting Factory is one of dozens of gatherings being planned nationwide where people can learn about the real-life impact of the US occupation on Iraqi women's lives and offer concrete support to Iraqi women who are fighting for their basic human rights.

New York City, Friday, December 2, 2005 - 4:30-6:30 p.m. Climate Crisis: USA Join the World!
International Day of Action to Stop Global Warming -
The Time Is Now!

Demonstrate in Foley Square, across from the Federal Building to call for the USA to Sign Kyoto and Join the World!
For more information: 973-338-5398,
,, and go to

November 18-20: Converge on Ft Benning this Weekend
November 18-20: 19,000 converged on Ft Benning, Georgia to call for Closure of SOA
SOA Watch is an independent organization that seeks to close the US Army School of the Americas, under whatever name it is called, through vigils and fasts, demonstrations and nonviolent protest, as well as media and legislative work.

The Puppetistas (participants during action) "are an informal group of creative people who get together to denounce the actions of the School of the Americas (a training ground for Latin American assassins funded by US tax dollars) and other actions."
for information: School of the Americas Watch

November 3-4, Thursday-Friday: In the War Zone: How Does Gender Matter?
Radcliffe Institute's fourth annual conference on women, gender, and society. Free and open to the public. Registration required.
Agassiz Theatre, Radcliffe Yard Cambridge, Massachusetts
"Exploring the ways women and men experience the many aspects of war, this conference brings together scholars and practitioners from a broad range of disciplines to assess the impact of gender on military socialization, the changing nature of war, developments in weapons and the strategic use of atrocity, and the role played by memory, mourning, and the quest for meaning."
For contact information and program, click on title link above.

14 - 16 October, “Bioneers by the Bay: Connecting for Change” Conference -
the 2005 northeast regional Beaming Bioneers satellite event.
UMASS Dartmouth campus, Darmouth, MA
Speakers and workshops on topics as renewable energy systems, new paradigms in business, native ecology, healthy food, youth
(program in link above)

Saturday, October 22: The 25th Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures
10 AM-5 PM First Congregational Church, Main Street Stockbridge, Massachusetts
Nancy Jack Todd - A co-founder of Ocean Arks International and of the New Alchemy Institute (also Women and Life on Earth in 1979-80), Thomas Linzey - Thomas Linzey is the co-founder of and staff attorney for the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund. CELDF provides free and affordable legal services to grassroots, community-based environmental groups, and rural municipal governments.
(Info in link above)

October 1 - October 8, 2005: Keep Space for Peace Week
International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space
No Weapons in Space! No Nuclear Rocket! End the War in Iraq! Keep Space for Peace! Fund Human Needs!

Download poster in pdf format here. This week of action is "in memory of Satomi Oba, Hiroshima, Japan. Valient Worker for Peace", Global Network Board Member, and Women and Life on Earth Advisory Board member.
See: We miss, honor and support the work of Satomi Oba

Sponsors: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, Women’s Int’l League for Peace & Freedom (WILPF information leaflet on "Keep Space for Peace Week" available as 30KB Word document - here)

From leaflet introduction:
"...The use of space for waging war has grown from Kosovo and the first Gulf War to Afghanistan, and in Iraq it has been taken to a whole new level. In their own words: 'Precision navigation, timely weather data, critical missile warning and infrared information, surveillance and reconnaissance, and tremendous weapons capabilities - all came from our on-orbit systems that provided warfighting capability in this war like no war ever before…space was not just an enabler but a key warfighting element of the total campaign.' "

(Brig Gen Larry D. James. "Bringing Space to the Fight: The Senior Space Officer in Operation Iraqi Freedom" in High Frontier: The Journal for Space & Missile Professionals 1.4, 14-16 2005

24-26 September, Washington, D.C., three major days of action against the war in Iraq
Saturday, September 24 Massive March, Rally,

26 August: Women's Equality Day

August 26, 2005 is the 85th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting women the right to vote. See the website of the National Women's History Project for information on a conference in Philadelphia and other ways to celebrate this anniversary.

12-16 August, Jerusalem, 13th International Conference of Women in Black

"Most of the conference sessions will be held in Jerusalem. Part of the conference program will include visits to Palestinian cities and towns to learn about the tragedy of occupation (the infamous separation wall, the checkpoints, etc.) and also in order to demonstrate our opposition to the occupation and all its attendant violence.The conference will not deal only with the Israeli-Palestine conflict, but with the broader issues of women, war, and peace-making..."
For more information

27 July - 3 August, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, WOMEN AND GLOBALIZATION Conference
Plenaries: Globalization and its Effects on Women, Transnational Feminism, Women's Activism against Corporate Globalization and for Women's Empowerment. Plus over 60 papers by scholars and activists. co-organized by the Argentina Autonomista Project.
Papers presented at the meeting are on-line in English and Spanish.

2-6 July, Gleneagles, Scotland: G8 Summit Actions
(what is the G8?) Sunday 3rd July – The Alternative Summit, Edinburgh – workshops including George Monbiot, Susan George, Ken Wiwa and Starhawk. Monday 4th July - Faslane Nuclear Submarine Base blockade. Six of the G8 have nuclear weapons on their soil. The replacement or otherwise of Britain’s Trident system must be decided by Parliament shortly. Tuesday 5th July – Climate Justice Day & demonstration at Dungavel detention centre called by Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees. Wednesday 6th July – Mass demonstration over the hills to Gleneagles Hotel on first day of G8 summit.
Further information at: Disent is the main group organizing actions. Website for alternative forums, etc. Indymedia Scotland page

Saturday, 2 July, Edinburgh, Scotland: G8 Summit Action: "Make Poverty History" Demonstration
This promises to be the largest demonstration in the history of the Scotland. A diverse group of Churches, NGOs, Trade Unions, environmentalists, and ordinary citizens will march to end poverty in the UK and around the world." More information.

celebration of the 90th birthday of veteran activist/theoretician Grace Lee Boggs and commemoration of the life and work of actor/writer Ossie Davis.
IBEW Hall at 1358 Abbott St., 7-10 p.m. near downtown Detroit. Info: Boggs Centers web site

June 17-19, 2005 Georgia State Univ. Atlanta, GA:The Black Radical Congress: “Confronting Empire: The Fight for Global Justice”
Black Radical Congress and Black Out in unity with the GSU African-American Studies Dept. and Sankofa.
Read Call here.
Program info here. Friday, June 17 1:00-4:00pm -Youth and Feminist Organizing Institutes;
See program for institutes, workshops, and trainings; documentary screenings; creative performances, and more!

3-5 June, Lake Geneva in Williams Bay, WI: RADFEST/MIDWEST SOCIAL FORUM 2005

Mother's Day Call from Code Pink: A History of Peace

"Mother's Day is not a Hallmark holiday. It is a call to peace by women who lost their sons in the Civil War..."

Read about the real history and intention in Julia Ward Howe's 1870 proclamation that created Mother's Day.

"From the voice of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with
Our own. It says: "Disarm! Disarm!
The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."

Second annual Chicago Social Forum, April 30 - May 1, Jones High School

"The Chicago Social Forum is one of a number of regional and local social forums being organized throughout the world. At the forum, organizations, groups and individuals are able to build alliances and coalitions that strengthen their ability to make more positive changes in their communities..."

April 15, 2005: Nationwide — Click here for a list of Tax Day demonstrations at IRS offices and Post Offices around the country

National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
Starhawk in California, April talks and workshops
"Starhawk is an author, activist, and leading voice in earth-based and feminist spirituality movements. She is an experienced permaculture design teacher and cofounder of Earth Activist Trainings..."
See her website and schedule for more information.

On her newest book:

The Earth Path -- Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature. (Harper San Francisco, 2004)
" Dear friends, I'm pleased to tell you that my tenth book, The Earth Path, was released in October '04. The book was inspired by the realization that even many people who call themselves Pagan and proclaim nature as sacred are unclear on the processes by which nature actually works. The Earth Path addresses the profound spiritual and conceptual disconnect at the root of our environmental destructiveness, and shows how we can reroot our spirits, our politics, and our day-to-day life in deep relationship with the Earth. It also includes much of the synthesis of Earth-based spirituality and practical permaculture that I've been working with in our Earth Activist Trainings.

If you don't have the money to buy it, request that your local library order it. If they don't have the money to buy it--well, isn't that exactly the condition we're all struggling against!

Thanks so much for your support, -- Starhawk

Tuesday, 12 April, Los Angeles Talk 7:30 p.m. "Urban Eco-Action: Bringing Permaculture into Activism"
Permaculture is blossoming on the streets! Make the connections: learn more about blending permaculture with earth-based spirituality and political action on behalf of the planet and its peoples.

The following two talks are part of the Education for Sustainable Living Program sponsored by the UC Students Sustainability Coalition.
Open to the public, free admission.
Wednesday, April 13 Los Angeles, 3-5 p.m. Lecture: "Journey Into Life: Ecology, Psychology and Education."
Starhawk and Peter Russell (of the Institute of Noetic Science)
University of California, Los Angeles

Thursday, April 14 Santa Barbara
, 7-9 p.m. Lecture Starhawk and Peter Russell:
"Journey Into Life: Ecology, Psychology and Education."
University of California, Santa Barbara

March 19th - Worldwide Day of Action

March 19-20 marks the two-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq. After all of the death and destruction and with the Bush administration claiming a mandate to continue their war, there's a new urgency and a stronger determination within the global antiwar movement to bring the troops home now. CODEPINK will organize vigils, rallies, marches and nonviolent civil disobedience throughout the country to call an end to the needless suffering, devastation, and loss of life. Help us let the Bush administration know loud and clear the world’s mandate has been and continues to be one of peace.

REMEMBERING RACHEL CORRIE: An Evening of Music, Poetry and Activism
Berkeley, CA, Wednesday, March 16th, 7:30 PM, Schwimley Little Theater, 1930 Allston Way, Berkeley
Requested Donation $20 A Benefit for the International Solidarity Movement & The Rachel Corrie Foundation
Come celebrate the life and activism of International Solidarity Movement activist Rachel Corrie who was killed by a D-9 Caterpillar bulldozer driven by Israeli soldiers on March 16, 2003 while non-violently attempting to prevent the demolition of a family home in the refugee camp of Rafah, occupied Palestine. Find out what Palestine-solidarity activists and others are doing to further the cause of peace and justice in the Middle East and the world. Featured Speakers: Peter Camejo - Julia Butterfly Hill - Pratap Chatterjee - Barbara Lubin - Starhawk and many more.... Featured Musicians: Iron Sheik - Matthew Owens - Tariq Ghazalah - Brass Liberation Orchestra and many more. Also featuring the poet Noura Erakat For more information: - 510-236-4250, 510-825-6968. More info,

11-13 March,
Historic Treme Community, New Orleans, LA
: Conference - THE COLOR OF VIOLENCE III: STOPPING THE WAR ON WOMEN OF COLOR! "The many forms of violence experienced on a daily basis by women of color around the world amount to nothing less than a global war on women of color. Color of Violence III will provide an opportunity for women of color to develop and share organizing strategies to address this global assault on women of color. We will share strategies on how to stop this war on all fronts, including: domestic violence; sexual violence; denial of reproductive rights; police brutality; the “War on Terror”; poverty; violence against bisexual, lesbian, intersex, transgender, and Two Spirit women of color; attacks on immigrants’ rights and Indian treaty rights; gentrification and denial of affordable housing."
Contact: INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence

11 March, San Diego, CA: Red CalacArts Collective to Commemorate International Women's Day
The Red CalacArts Collective presents the 5th Annual International Women’s Day Celebration honoring the hundreds of women who have been murdered in Ciudad Juarez, México during the past decade.
Featuring: Amalia Ortiz, Marissa Raigoza, Irene Castruita, and Sara Rebecca Durán Garibay
Friday, March 11, 2005 @ 7:00pm (free admission)
Memorial Academy Auditorium, 2850 Logan Ave., San Diego, CA 92113 (Barrio Logan)

3 March, Berkeley, CA: 20th Annual Empowering Women of Color Conference
Berkeley Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley campus
2005 conference themed “
Confronting Power: A Century of Struggle and Movements” will feature Susan L. Taylor, editorial director of ESSENCE magazine; Dolores Huerta, co-founder and First Vice President Emeritus of the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO ("UFW"); Elaine Brown, activist, author and the first and only woman to lead the Black Panther Party; Angela Oh, trial attorney who currently serves as an appointee of the Mayor of Los Angeles to the City Human Relations Commission, and past Presidential appointee to Clinton's Advisory Board to the Initiative on Race; and Lakota Harden, American Indian orator, poet, activist.
Also included: book signings, stimulating workshops, exceptional vendors, resource fair, cultural performances, the Women of Color Film Festival and much more!

March 1st is International Women of Color Day
"IIn 1981, the National Institute for Women of Color (NIWC) was established to build a strong national network for women of African, Alaska Native, American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Latina and Pacific Island heritages and to advance the issues of Women of Color...
The International Association for Women of Color Day is not a membership organization but a network for those who wish to conduct Women of Color Day observances. We provide guidelines, suggestions, and encouragement. There are no meetings or dues. "Networkers" are asked to supply information regarding their events which will be posted on the website of The International Association for Women of Color Day. This work is supported through the sale of related and associated products, a speaker's bureau, diversity training and other services..."

20 - 22 February, Europeans prepare for Bush visit
"Stop Bush! Protests against President Bush's visit to Belgium!

  • Sunday 20/02/05 from 3:30pm Protest and concerts on the steps of the Beurs/Bourse, central Brussels
    More info: BRussells Tribunal
  • Monday 21/02/05 at 5:30pm Protest at the US Embassy, Regentlaan 27, 1000 Brussels (Metro Kunst-Wet)
  • Tuesday 22/02/05 at 3:00pm meeting at Jubelpark for a demonstration heading to Schumanplein (Council of Europe)"
Counter-Inaugural 2005 Bush Isn't Going Away and Neither Are We!
We cannot wait another 4 years to stand against the war and rampant social injustice of another Bush Administration. A coalition of social, political, and religious activists have come together to protest the coronation of George W. Bush. We invite you and all your friends and family to join hundreds of thousands in the streets of Washington, DC. ... Join us for a week of action January 15-Janurary 20, 2005. for more information:

From CodePink for the New Year:
Here are three important actions:
January 3: Pro-Democracy Count Every Vote Rally in Columbus, Ohio
For more information link to:

January 6: Act on Election Violations as Congress Meets to Certify the Vote!
more information

January 20: Mark Bush’s inauguration by inaugurating the Second term of the Peace and Justice Movement (see more below)

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