action/events 2005

events - archive 2006

Fast for Peace on the 4th of July: TROOPS HOME FAST! On July 4, Code Pink will launch an historic hunger strike called TROOPS HOME FAST in Washington, DC in front of the White House: "While many Americans will be expressing their patriotism via barbeques and fireworks, we'll be fasting in memory of the dead and wounded, and calling for the troops to come home from Iraq..."
Summer with CODEPINK
  This women's peace network has a lot planned this summer, from helping out in New Orleans to joining Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey, near Bush's ranch.

Vancouver, Canada: 23-28 June, The World Peace Forum 2006
"is an international gathering of individuals, groups and civic governments from cities and communities to envision a living culture of peace and sustainability in our lifetimes... The World Peace Forum 2006 will organize panels, workshops, public forums, arts and entertainment activities and networking events to offer all participants an open space for discussion and performance within the main theme of Cities and Communities: Working together to end war and build a peaceful, just and sustainable world." more.." ... The City of Vancouver has a long and impressive history of support for peace.
The World March of Women will be present at the World Peace Forum that will take place from June 23 - 26 in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada). On June 27, Luisa Durante, member of the Collective Peace and demilitarization, will take part in the round table on Women of the world working together with one voice for peace and justice. more information here

23 June, London, England:
International Widows Day, Support Iraqi Widows Now!
Silent Vigil on the steps of
St. Martin's in the Field, Trafalgar Square from 3-5pm
for information:

Saturday, April 29th: Major Mobilization for an immediate end to the war on Iraq.
The April 29th mobilization will highlight our call for an immediate end to the war on Iraq. We are also raising several other critical issues that are directly connected to one another. It is time for our constituencies to work more closely: connecting the issues we work on by bringing diverse communities into a common project. It is important for our movements to help set the agenda for the Congressional elections later in the year. Our unified action in the streets is a vital part of that process. Please share the April 29th call widely, and please use the link at the end of the call to endorse this timely mobilization.
April 29th Initiating Organizations: United for Peace and Justice; Rainbow/PUSH Coalition; National Organization for Women; Friends of the Earth; U.S. Labor Against the War Climate Crisis Coalition Peoples' Hurricane Relief Fund
Read their call and sign on to support the mobilization:

March 15-22, 2006: 3rd Anniversary of Iraq War, a Week of Local Actions
March 19th will mark the third anniversary of a war that never should have happened -- a war based on lies that continues to devastate the lives of thousands, both in Iraq and the United States...
Information from United for Peace and Justice

Veterans March from Mobile to New Orleans, March 14- 19

"Every bomb dropped in Iraq explodes over the Gulf Coast"
Veterans For Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out, and Gold Star Families for Peace, at the call of the Mobile Veterans For Peace Chapter #130, will conduct a march between Mobile, AL, and New Orleans, LA, from March 14-19, 2006 -- the third anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. This historical event highlights the connections between the economic and human cost of war in the Middle East and the failure of our government to respond to human needs at home, especially the needs of poor people and people of color.
about the march

March 8, International Women's Day: Washington DC and world-wide

The women's peace group CODEPINK calls for joint action to stop the war in Iraq:
"Organize locally and gather signatures: This year on March 8, join women around the world to take action together to demand an end to the war and violence in Iraq. Since it was the United States that led the unprovoked attack on Iraq in 2003 and continues to occupy that country with over 150,000 troops, we suggest that our demands be directed at US government representatives. By March 8, we expect to have collected at least 100,000 signatures from women worldwide. So, Wednesday, March 8, is an ideal day to deliver the signatures and our message to US representatives at home and abroad."

March 8, BREAKING RANK: Women of Color Soldiers Speak Out!
6:00-8:00 pm First Unitarian Church of Oakland, 685 14th Street Oakland, Ca 94612
To honor and celebrate International Women's Day, WCRC will hear from two women of color veterans, Aimee Alison and Tina Garnanez, who are now leading spokeswomen against the war and militarism WCRC will also show a premier screening of our new documentary "Runway Peace Project."
See: Women of Color Resource Center

Australian women get ready for International Women's Day 2006:

January 7, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, demonstration from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.

The Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space has announced a protest to highlight opposition to NASA’s planned New Horizons launch that will carry 24 pounds of radioactive plutonium on board. NASA acknowledges in their Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the New Horizons mission that there is a 1 in 300 chance of an accident resulting in release of the plutonium. In the event of such an accident the EIS states that the deadly plutonium could be carried by winds for a 60-mile radius throughout Central Florida. Clean-up costs for a plutonium accident would range from $241 million to $1.3 billion per square mile.
For more information on the planned launch by Karl Grossman

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