women and peace


The Millennium Peace Prize 2001

International Women's Day, 8 March 2001: The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and International Alert awarded the Millennium Peace Prize for Women to four individuals and three organizations:

Dr. Flora Brovina, the Kosovar Albanian humanitarian, peace and human rights campaigner imprisoned in 1999 by Serbian authorities;

Veneranda Nzambazamariya, posthumously awarded for her role in promoting peace and reconciliation and helping women rebuild their lives in Rwanda after the 1994 genocide;

The human rights activists and lawyers Asma Jahangir and Hina Jilani, who have risked their lives in defense of women and minorities in Pakistan;

Leitana Nehan Women's Development Agency for its cross community work for peace during and after the nine year war between Bougainville rebels and the Papua New Guinea military;

Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres, a nationwide coalition that campaigns for peace in Colombia and helps to create alternative peace proposals at a community level;

Women in Black, a worldwide network of women against war, violence and militarism that you know well. When informed of the Prize, Women in Black in Belgrade stated that they accept the prize on behalf of the worldwide movement.

For more information see:
and the Women in black Web Site http://wib.matriz.net

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