Margaret Hassan
Several women writers were especially moved by the kidnapping and murder
of the long-time CARE worker and country director in Iraq.
See Elayne Clift's
piece on our site: In
Memory of Margaret Hassan
Margaret Hassan
By Lucy Colvin, AlterNet. Posted November 20, 2004.
"The recent murder of humanitarian Margaret Hassan brought home
the tragedy of people's lives caught in a crossfire.."
Klein on Iraq:
Asked For My Evidence, Mr. Ambassador - here it is
The Guardian, December 4, 2004
Naomi Klein supports her charge that: "In Iraq, US forces and their
Iraqi surrogates are no longer bothering to conceal attacks on civilian
targets and are openly eliminating anyone - doctors, clerics, journalists
- who dares to count the bodies."
Now, Vote Later By Naomi Klein
AlterNet. November 10, 2004.
"Fallujans are going to vote, goddammit, even if they all have
to die first..."
Road to Abu Ghraib
A fifty-year history of torture by the Central Intelligence Agency led
straight to the Iraqi prison.
By Alfred W. McCoy September 9, 2004
Marjorie Cohn on U.S. attacks in Najaf
Resistance to Occupation in Najaf
t r u t h o u t | Perspective 13 August 2004
Anyone who tunes in to the cable news channels these days would hardly
realize our Commander-in-Chief is presiding over a new campaign of aerial
terror against the Iraqi people in the holy city of Najaf. In his nightly
prayers, George W. Bush should remember those prosecuting Scott Peterson's
murder trial, which is wall-to-wall fare on television this week..."
... "Contrary to Bush's claim that his regime change in Iraq has produced
a more stable Middle East, his actions have opened a hornet's nest of
death and destruction."
April 2004 Stop the Genocide against the People of Falluja City in Iraq:
statement from
Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq
"The American military troops have proven unprecedented
cruelty and barbarism throughout a whole week of aerial bombing on the
residences of Falluja city in Mid-western Iraq. This followed a terrorist
act administered by some local youth over four American contracters
that ended in killing them and dismembering their bodies. The continuous
American bombing has killed around 600 Falluja residents with brutality
equivalent to that of the Baath regime and the former dictator Saddam
Husein. The masters of “Democracy” and “Human Rights” have administered
one of the bloodiest mass punishment over the civilians of Falluja City
with cruelty unprecedented in modern history. As a result, the torn
and shredded dead bodies of children and women filled the streets of
the city..."
April 11, 2004: statement at:
and death, and afterwards: on the ground in Iraq
Jo Wilding of Voices
in the Wilderness reports on the effects of war on women, children,
Iraqi Women Under Siege: Unemployment, Violence Rising
by Andrea Buffa, WarTimes,
March 2004
"Fearing for the safety of conference participants, the United
Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), canceled a planned symposium
following the Aug. 19 bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad that killed
22 people and injured 150 others.
That cancellation symbolizes the fallen hopes of Iraqi women since the
U.S. invasion..."
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