women and peace


"See, think, act!" Korean women work for peace

This quote from Maria Chol Soon Rhie, one of six women activists from the Republic of Korea (South Korea) nominated as part of the 1000 women for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize project, reflects the spirit, thoughtfulness and drive of Korean women activists over the past half-century. Individually and collectively they have worked for democracy, women's and children's rights, peace and the unification of the divided Korean peninsula without foreign (USA) military presence. Korean women are also leaders in Asian networks.

Click on the nominee's name below link with a short profile.

Korea nominees for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize are announced:

Heisoo Shin

Sook-Im Kim

Hyun-Sook Lee

Geum-Soon Yoon

Maria Chol Soon Rhie

Yu-Jin Jeong

Organizations in which the Korean peacewomen nominees are active:

Korean Women's Associations United (KWAU)
"The KWAU was created on February 18, 1987 to unite the power of women's organizations working for women's rights and democracy. Currently KWAU has 5 regional sections and 28 member organizations, representing the progressive women's movement in Korea.

KWAU strives to achieve three primary goals : 1) to build an equal society free from institutional discrimination so that women can enjoy equal rights with men and live with dignity and pride. 2) to build a democratic society where everyone's political, economic, social and cultural rights are fully guaranteed. 3) to build a reunified Korea, where South and North Korea become one nation."

Korea Women's Hot Line (KWAU member group)
"Established in 1983, Korea Women's Hot Line is a national organization working for women's human rights. KWHL helps women fight against oppression, eliminate violence against women and to become full members of a gender equal society. KWHL empowers women by providing counseling as well as regal and medical support to the victims of gender violence. KWHL played a major role in legislating Sexual Violence Act and Domestic Violence Act. It has 21 branches across Korea, with 15 Sexual Violence Counselling Centers, 5 shelters and 1 House for Working Women.
In order to realize this goal, the Hot Line works for: elimination of domestic violence, sexual violence and other forms of gender violence legislation and reform of the legal system providing assistance to victims of gender violence equal rights in employment democratization and unification of Korea building solidarity on national, regional and international levels."

Korean Women Workers Associations United - KWWAU (KWAU member group)
"KWWAU works to improve women workers' political, economic and social status, to build a true democracy and to bring about reunification of Korea.
KWWAU represents women workers' voices and fights for women workers to resolve their various problems."

Korea Women Farmers Association (KWFA) (KWAU member group)
"KWFA has 8,000 members and 23 regional branches. It has four aims: to realize the labour value of women farmers and higher welfare policies for the women farmers, to expand the women farmers' role in the communities and to secure the farmers' rights to live. Its goals are to promote the women farmers to become a expert and appeal to government's support and expanded enforcement of the direct payment system on the dry-field production."

Women Making Peace (English section) Women Making Peace (Korean-Hangul)
(KWAU member group)
"Women Making Peace is a specialized movement organization formed to realize reunification and peace on the Korean peninsula and to make peace in Asia and the world. Our organization was founded on March 28 1997. We conduct research on the conditions and methods necessary for the peaceful reunification of Korea, and present policies toward that goal from a feminist perspective..."

Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan

"We have established that rape and sexual slavery during wartime are violations of women's rights and should be punished. Because of our movement, hopefully such a thing will never happen again." -- Heisoo Shin

see also: The Tasks and Achievements of the Movement to Resolve the Issue of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan by Chi, Eun Hee (The Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan)

Korea Campaign to Ban Landmines
"Both Koreas are mine-affected. Both countries still produce antipersonnel mines. Both stockpile large numbers of these indiscriminate and inhumane weapons. Neither has joined the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty. However, in a groundbreaking move in September 2002, clearance of the 1 million mines in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) got underway"

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law & Development

"APWLD is an independent, non-government, non-profit organization. It is committed to enabling women to use law as an instrument of social change for equality, justice and development. It has a consultative status at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)."

Committee for Asian Women - CAW
"The mission of CAW is the empowerment of Asian women workers to take charge of their own destiny and lives; to encourage the formation of an Asian women workers movement that would promote the vision of CAW."

Global Partnership for Prevention of Armed Conflict, Northeast Asia Region (GPPAC)

Via Campesina

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