E-News, 12 December 2003
The meaning of Miami; Alert; Reports from Jerusalem and Hebron; Afghan women
on International Human Rights Day; Dangerous Diets
- FTAA?Trade ministers
from 34 countries met in Miami, Florida in November to negotiate the Free
Trade Area of the Americas, “an agreement that would extend the failed NAFTA
model of corporate globalization throughout the Western Hemisphere.”
For a report
on what happened see Deborah James’: Summary of the Proceedings of the FTAA
Trade Negotiating Committee, Vice Ministerial meeting (November 15-19) and
Ministerial (Nov 20-21), Miami, 2003.” 4 December 2003
- Starhawk was outside
with daily reports and ‘more thoughts on Miami’
Miami: A
Dangerous Victory
By Starhawk
December 8, 2003
Excerpt from her report:
… “In spite of the major
fear campaign and the negative propaganda being put forth by the police and
the media, just about every interaction we had with ordinary Miami folks was
positive. Locals were told by police that dangerous anarchists would burn
their shops, would shoot them with squirt guns full of urine and feces, would
smash their windows, and destroy Miami if not contained. Nevertheless, local
people were scared, but interested in what we had to say. The poor and immigrant
populations of downtown Miami understand the issues of underlying economic
injustice. They could quickly grasp what the FTAA might mean for their jobs.
They told us stories of water privatization in their home countries, of 16-hour-a-day
workshifts on cruise ships that unions couldn't organize because they are
registered in other countries, of their daily struggle to survive on the streets,
of the ongoing police brutality faced by the homeless and the poor.
When we were driven back into Overtown, Miami's black ghetto, people smiled
and waved, came forward to help us, offered places for hunted activists to
hide, sheltered our puppets in their back yards. Other local people came forward
to offer housing and shelter, to donate food, plants, and time to the mobilization,
to hold vigils at the jail and to provide support after most of the action
had left town. It was as if the bulk of the population pressed the mute button
on the soundtrack spewed by the media and the police, noticed what their own
eyes were telling them, and knew who their true allies were.
That disconnect, that gap between the reality the power structure was attempting
to construct and the actual reality of ordinary people, is the fertile political
space we need to nurture and explore in order to move forward…”
“Miami was a clear
example of the New American Fascism brought home. I don't use the word "fascism"
lightly. I use it to mean that combination of brutal state power applied ruthlessly
against its critics, backed by surveillance, media distortions, hate propaganda,
and lies, allied politically and economically with those who profit from the
industries of weaponry, prisons, and war. “
Read full report at:
More on FTAA: An important
local site, “The Root Cause”
They also have an excellent set of links for information on the FTAA:
Miami Activist Defense
(MAD) Legal is requesting donations to fund long-term legal support for participants
in the anti-FTAA demonstrations. See
and stop FTAA
- ALERT! Theresa Wolfwood,
longtime activist from British Columbia, Canada, sends us this appeal for
quick action to support Irene Fernandez’s participation at the up-coming World
Social Forum in Mumbai, India, January 16-21.
Dear Friends,
I am working hard to support my friend, Irene Fernandez of Malaysia, who has
been sentenced to 1 year in jail for publishing 8 years ago a document about
Malaysia's treatment of migrant works. She is director of Tenganita, a human
rights organization. Her case has been the subject of much international concern
and she has received many awards. I am hoping she can get her passport to
go to Mumbai and speak on my panel at the World Social Forum. The organization
hopes to get 1 million signatures on this petition.
Complete information on the case is available on the web page. And if possible
add it to your websites.
Please sign it and
send this appeal out as widely as possible.
Theresa Wolfwood, BBCF, Victoria, Canada
For more on the
WSF meeting see:
Israeli peace activist
Gila Svirsky wrote on December 1 about the Geneva Accord:
“I wish I could have been in Geneva today, where hundreds of Israelis and
Palestinians gathered to make public their demand for peace.”
Sarah S.
reports from Hebron: A Visit to Al Khalil
”Establishing human rights and democracy is possible only with the destruction
of fundamentalism domination” RAWA statement on the International Human Rights
Day, Dec.10, 2003:
”Two years have elapsed since the US and its allies attacked Afghanistan under
the slogan of "defending human rights", punishing their servants
of yesterday and toppling their medieval-minded regime. But still we cannot
trace any sign of stability, peace and security in the country…”
See photos of
the RAWA demonstration on International Human Rights Day 2003
More on RAWA:"With
All Our Strength: The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan"
by Anne Brodsky. "Here is a testimony to RAWA - Afghanistan's real democrats."
- Arundhati Roy. “Anne Brodsky's book gives us a ring side view of this extraordinary
women's movement that is as doggedly committed to the business of democracy
as it is to the (vital) business of dreaming of another, better world.” Eve
Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues http://afghanwomensmission.org/fundraising/brodsky_book.php
Stop “for-profit foods,” starting with high fructose corn syrup:
“… we are (now) facing a new issue with respect to the health of foods in
the form of a created sugar called high fructose corn syrup. This sweetener
is being used in many products as a substitute for other sugars, including
in products which were formerly not sweetened. This corn syrup
has spread through the food supply in the United States and is moving into
the food of other countries as well. High fructose corn syrup has replaced
sugar beet and sugar cane as the sweetener of choice in large transnational
food products…”
Read the full article by Jean Grossholtz, with list of products and manufacturers
"The Meatrix" : This new animated short from Free Range Graphics
is funny and serious at the same time, showing the disaster of factory farming:
Supporting family farmers is an effective way for us all to protect the
environment, our health and animal rights. The Eat Well Guide makes it easy:
Women and Life on Earth
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