e-news: the Gulf Coast disaster; mobilizing for Washington DC actions; women
and the bomb; on global debt
September 2005
This summer’s events have proven the urgent need to change priorities: from military spending and destructive illegal wars to fulfilling people’s most basic needs without destroying planet earth. It’s the only one we have. We not only believe that women can – and must – play a crucial role in the changes needed, they are!
We feature women’s voices
on the disaster that did not have to happen:
and a listing of ways to
help victims – and support local community groups:
The people of New Orleans need our help
we urge support for the major peace actions to stop the war on Iraq:
Cindy Sheehan: taking a stand:
Thousands came to take a stand with Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey near Bush's
ranch. The peace camp closed on August 31, now she and others are organizing
for the September 24-26 March on Washington, DC: see
Also on the international
front, see our most
recent items on global debt at:
“Africa is not poor, it was made poor.”
See also 2004 Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai: "Africans Can Do it for Ourselves"