WLOE e-news

July 21, 2005

What's going on?
peace and freedom, preparing for 60th anniversary of the first use of nuclear weapons on civilians, women and globalization, health notes

peace and freedom, and lack of same:

1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005
A century after the first female Nobel Peace laureate, one thousand women have been nominated for the award. We were happy to be able to work on this important project, by translating some of the nominee profiles.

take a look at a recent Doonesbury cartoon

The World Tribunal on Iraq: four women's voices -- must read!
Also excellent testimony by scholar, filmmaker Saul Landau:

Taking Action: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day Actions -- 6 - 9 August

women and globalization:

Women and Globalization Conference in Mexico (see calendar http://www.womenandlife.org/WLOE-en/action/events-fs.html ):
Some 40 conference papers are available on-line in English http://www.globaljusticecenter.org/papers2005.htm
and Spanish http://www.globaljusticecenter.org/ponencias2005.htm

Women and global debt. “Africa is not poor, it was made poor.”

Feminist Media and Its Contribution to Organizational Life: "the sad thing is that some of our otherness, some of our being shut out, is also coming from within the feminist arena," critiques columnist Elayne Clift.

Find links to important July-August articles on children's health:

Women's activism in herstory: July 4, 1983 start of the Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace amd Justice:
The Women's Encampment was established in the summer of 1983 at 5440 Rt. 96, Romulus, N.Y., next to the Seneca Army Depot, which was at that time storing nuclear weapons. That summer nearly 12,000 women visited the Encampment and demonstrated against the deployment of the Pershing II and Cruise missiles. During the next three years there were many acts of non-violent civil disobedience at the Seneca Army Depot.
Today the land is part of a women's collective and the Depot is in the process of being closed. No nuclear weapons are stored at the Depot.