WLOE E-News 26 September 2003
Women and War; Cancun reviewed; Naomi Klein on Globalization
- Women
and War
Women Will Have to Save the World, Marlene Nadle, Pacific News Service, September
11, 2003
"President Bush may not face much opposition in Congress to his plan
for perpetual preemptive war, but he better watch out for the women. Angry
over the swagger of violence coming out of the White House, disgusted by the
bring-'em-on itch for a fight as the solution to political problems, women
around the globe are organizing in new ways…"
read full article at: http://www.alternet.org/print.html?StoryID=1676
It Started With ‘Lysistrata’, by Judith Mahoney Pasternak, in the War Resisters
League's "Nonviolent Activist"
"Athens, 411 BCE: With the city-state depleted and exhausted by the long and
costly Peloponnesian War, Athens nevertheless took time out for a theater
festival. The hit of the festival was a hilarious, groundbreaking and very
topical farce: "Lysistrata," in which the comic genius Aristophanes
depicted a sex strike for peace by the war-weary women of Athens… http://www.warresisters.org/nva0703-4.htm
an international meeting in August. To join in a vigil see: http://www.womeninblack.org/vigils/vigils.html#InternationalMeeting
- Cancun
For lots of good information on the failure of the recent World Trade Organization
meeting in Cancun – and the success of the civil society opposition, see:
"Food and Agriculture Out of the WTO! India Out of the WTO! ", by Shalmali
Guttal, Bangalore, September 10
Over 35,000 farmers from across Karnataka State converged in Bangalore- -the
state capital--today to protest the start of the Fifth Ministerial Meeting
of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Cancun, Mexico. The rallying cry
of the farmers was, "Either food and agriculture must be removed from
the WTO, or India must quit the WTO." http://www.focusweb.org/index.php?option=news&task=viewarticle&sid=115
Eco-feminist writer-activist
Starhawk’s Cancun Journal:
On the spot daily updates from behind the scenes and barricades of the anti-WTO
mobilization in Cancun, Mexico: August 26 to September 15, 2003. Each journal
is on its own page at:
Starhawk on tour: from 28 September through May 2004: http://www.starhawk.org/starhawk/schedule.html
- Naomi Klein on Globalization
Free Trade Is War, by Naomi Klein
The Nation, Saturday 13 September 2003
"On Monday, seven antiprivatization activists were arrested in Soweto
for blocking the installation of prepaid water meters. The meters are a privatized
answer to the fact that millions of poor South Africans cannot pay their water
bills. The new gadgets work like pay-as-you-go cell phones, only instead of
having a dead phone when you run out of money, you have dead people, sickened
by drinking cholera-infested water…" http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/printer_091403I.shtml
Finally, a good cartoon and comment from The Black Commentator: "Our
Hat in Hand Military"
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