WLOE e-news: 30 April 2004
Women in war zones - Iraq, Rwanda, Israel; Asia Pacific women on World Bank land policy
; Chernobyl legacies; marching and voting for peace - USA

Life and death, and afterwards: on the ground in Iraq
Jo Wilding of Voices in the Wilderness reports on the effects of war on women, children, families

For information and links from our site on the costs of war:

Women of Rwanda: marked for death
amnesty international campaign in support of women victims
"The legacy of genocide and war in Rwanda lives on ten years after the events in which as many as one million lost their lives.
Between April and July 1994, Rwanda was the site of a horrifying litany of human rights abuses - mass killings of unarmed civilians, rape and numerous other acts of torture. Bringing to justice those responsible has been an enormous challenge; even so, progress has been slow. For those raped or tortured, or whose family members were killed, justice and redress remain elusive.

The United Nations estimates that between 250,000 and 500,000 rapes were committed during the genocide. Degradation was integral to the physical violence, with some women being made to parade naked or perform various humiliating acts at the bidding of soldiers and militia..."
For more information, photos, see:
Take action! Please write to the President of Rwanda, urging him to face up to the challenge of providing redress to survivors of rape and other victims of the genocide and crimes against humanity. All information is at:

Urgent message from Jerusalem: "We have to wake people up."
Israeli peace activist Gila Svirsky writes:

"I just spoke to Molly Malekar on her way to the hospital from a demonstration in Bidu, and here is what she reported:

'We were about 60 women, only women:  roughly 1/3 Israeli, 1/3 Palestinian, and 1/3 internationals.  We gathered at Bidu to protest the construction of the wall in this village.  It was a quiet march, with women carrying signs and walking toward the area where soldiers were guarding the construction of the fence.  At a distance of about 10 meters (30 feet) from them, we stopped walking because the soldiers turned to point their rifles directly at us.  I called out to them in Hebrew, "Don't shoot, we're not armed, this is a nonviolent demonstration."  Suddenly there was an onslaught of tear gas and stun grenades, falling all around us, completely out of proportion to the quiet, nonprovocative nature of our action.  The grenades fell right there at our feet and we were choking, unable to breathe...'

Read full report, "Anarchy in our Souls" at:
For information on the wall under construction, and many links to sites from Israel/Palestina:

Asia Pacific Women Say No to World Bank Land Policy

"On 17 April 1996, twenty one landless agricultural workers were brutally murdered by the military policy in the Brazilian state of Para, when staging a struggle for land.

17 April has become a Day of Peasants Struggle and Solidarity for justice, land and dignity. It is the day of struggle against the policies which alienate land and productive resources from women and men peasants, small farmers, fisherfolk, Dalits, indigenous peoples; take away sources of their livelihoods and push them down into deeper poverty..."
Download the 2-page statement at:

See this site as well for a good report on the "People’s Caravan 2004 for Food Sovereignty: Asserting our Rights to Land and Food"

Nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl: 18th anniversary
There is no end to an atomic accident: radiation released continues to contaminate and kill. For information on women and atomic power:
Do visit
a site mentioned there and here, made by a young woman who documented her motorcycle trips through the 'ghost town' that was once a booming center of atomic power:

April 25, Washington, D.C. : March for Women's Lives

For reports on this herstoric event, plus a calendar of events around the march themes and issues see the organizers' website at:

CODE PINK also reports:
1,150,000 women marched for their lives on April 25th "clad in hot pink," Monday's LA Times front page article reported. Demonstrators came from across the US and other countries in the largest march in history.

From: Women's e-News: Pro-Choice March Largest in History
04/25/04, by Allison Stevens, WeNews correspondent

..."Brandishing a white coat hanger, comedian Whoopi Goldberg kicked off the afternoon rally with a vow to never to return to the days of back-alley abortions that prevailed before the Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973. "This was the choice," Goldberg said as she held up the hanger.

"This was it. And I'm here to tell you, never again. We are not going backwards child, never again."

A sea of faces stretched more than a mile, from one end of the national mall to the other. Under an overcast sky, the dozens of lawmakers, celebrities and political organizers looked out at them and issued a collective call to restore and preserve women's health and reproductive rights.

... While avoiding partisan politics, one speaker after the next warned that the anti-choice leaders who control the White House and Congress will pay a political price in this fall's elections for restricting the access of women in the United States and around the globe to abortion and reproductive health services. They portrayed the Bush administration's anti-abortion and abstinence-only policies as steps toward an ultimate goal of outlawing abortion and dramatically reducing the availability of contraception..."

Read full article at:

Women and Elections: USA

African American Women's Vote Key in 2004
By Luchina Fisher, WeNews correspondent

"Black women tend to vote Democratic, but as presidential election politics heat up, Republicans are hoping to make inroads in this key voting bloc. (WOMENSENEWS)--With a presidential election that is shaping up to be close, black women are poised to play a decisive role. The Democratic Party is home base for many, but the Republicans are trying to lure them over. At the same time, many younger African American women prefer to register as independents."...

... "African American women are the base of the base of the Democratic Party,"
-- Daniella Gibbs, deputy communications director for the Democratic National Committee.
See article: http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm/dyn/aid/1766

For more information:
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Inc.: http://www.bigvote.org/unity04/campaign/index.htm
"Unity ‘04 Civic Engagement and Voter Empowerment Campaign is a nonpartisan network of 130 organizations that are united to increase the Black vote in the 2004 election cycle and build a groundswell of civic participation in the Black community..."

For more information on women's voting and voter registration in the USA, from V-Day ("Vote to end violence") and Granny D. at:

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