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Women and Life on Earth internet project e-news archive: 2003-2007

The 2003-2006 newsletters were posted on our old website. Links may be lost or have been changed, but the contents still reflect what was going on at the time.


May 2007
Reclaiming Mother's Day;  getting ready for the G8 Summit; women for peace in Zimbabwe; WLOE and EFF, resources


6 August 2006
the war in Lebanon and Gaza; Iraq: Troops Home Fast! from Iraq; Hiroshima-Nagasaki Anniversary
15-16 January 2006
women on the move: for peace and a better future; celebrating Dr. King's birthday


19 November 2005
25th Anniversary Women's Pentagon Action; PeaceWomen in print; French women appeal; news
12 September 2005
on the Gulf Coast disaster; mobilizing for Washington DC actions; women and the bomb; on global debt
5 August 2005
60th Anniversary Hiroshima-Nagasaki
21 July 2005
peace and freedom, preparing for 60th anniversary of the first use of nuclear weapons on civilians, women and globalization, health notes
8 March 2005
International Women's Day Special


8 November 2004
USA: post-election round-up
31 October 2004
Voting in the USA; Iraq - counting and naming the dead; Bioneers meet; Nuclear Report from Europe
30 April 2004
Women in war zones - Iraq, Rwanda, Israel; Asia Pacific women on World Bank land policy; Chernobyl legacies; marching and voting for peace - USA
31 March 2004
Voices of Women in March: on 'Bravo' at Bikini; March 8 - Why go on Strike?; Remembering Rachel Corrie; 600th vigil for Korean 'comfort women'; 20 March demonstrations; World Water Day; 25 years since the Three Mile Island accident; women break Iraq war planning-scheming silence.
8 March 2004
International Women's Day Special
14 February 2004
What’s new from Women and Life on Earth; Peace News (Somalia; England; Japan); Ecological "Late Lessons"; Immigrant Workers' Freedom Ride; Women and the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement; The Afghan Women's Bill of Rights; Democracy and Women’s Rights in Iraq; Arundhati Roy in Mumbai - and more resources!


12 December 2003
The meaning of Miami; Alert; Reports from Jerusalem and Hebron; from Afghan women on International Human Rights Day; Dangerous Diets
11 November 2003
FTAA – and opponents -- coming soon to Miami; Iraqi women tour US; Stop the Wall;
loss of legal and human rights reported
20 October 2003
Women in Bolivia; An International Call for Justice in Mexico;
"The Threat to Black Families"; Granny D on the road again
26 September 2003
Women and War; Cancun reviewed; Naomi Klein on Globalization
05 September 2003
Cancun; Women on Globalization; Naomi Klein on the WOT;
Granny D on the politics of love and the politics of fear – and neoliberalism
26 August 2003
Cancun and USA
20 August 2003
Korea; USA -- Democracy under attack; Women and Globalization ;
Black-Outs, Heat, Fire -- and a saneenergy policy?
12 August 2003
Remembering Hiroshima-Nagasaki; Women in Liberia;
Free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi;Hunger; Why go on Strike? and more…
02 July 2003
Reports from Iraq; USA: Bush plays the racial profiling card;
GATS and health, and GATS basics; Alternatives to corporate globalization: from Gobal to Local.
22 May 2003
Reports of women’s voices and actions for peace, ecological and global justice: Women Stop GATS;
International conference in Cologne; Code Pink on Mother’s Day actions;
Bush's Harvest of Shame: one Million Black Children in Extreme Poverty;