women and life on earth bookshelf

Struggling against the odds

Walking to the Edge
Essays of Resistance

Margaret Randall

South End Press, Boston, 1991, 224 pages, $12.00
ISBN: 0-89608-397-7

Insightfully links the impact of U.S. foreign policy on the people of Latin America, the female voice in art and literature, and the need to break the silence around incest and other abuse.

"These essays are a blow against censorship. The Immigration and Naturalization Service attempted to deport Randall upon her return from Latin America, for the status quo still fears what she and writers like her have to offer: a clear, strong, articulate commitment to socialist and feminist values, with a call to action for the establishment of those values as a way of life. She is dangerous to the interests of the tiny elite who run this country - and for that we should be thankful."
-Martín Espada, author of Rebellion Is the Circle of a Lover´s Hand

"A moving chronicle of the last half of the century from one of America's rebellious daughters. She makes a powerful witness." —Joy Harjo, author, She Had Some Horses




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