women and life on earth bookshelf

Struggling against the odds

Walking to the Edge
Essays of Resistance
Margaret Randall


South End Press, Boston, 1991, 224 pages, $12.00
ISBN: 0-89608-397-7

All Our Relations
Native Struggles For Land And Life
Winona LaDuke

South End Press, Cambridge, MA; Honor the Earth, Minneapolis, MN 1999
ISBN O-89608-599-6, 241 pages, paperback $16.00

Slam-Dunking Walmart!
How You Can Stop Superstore Sprawl In Your Hometown
Al Norman


Raphel Marketing, New Jersey
$29.95 Hb, ISBN 0-9624808-6-X

see also our choice of books on:
environmental health - food sovereignty - ecofeminism - peace and war - globalization - seeking solutions - others