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Svirsky: Letters from Jerusalem
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Taking action: "Protesting the IDF in Gaza, and how to help" 23 May 2004: As most well-read people already know, the Israeli army has spent the last five days battering and bludgeoning the inhabitants of a hot and dusty town on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip, known as Rafah. Also well known
is the rally of 150,000 last Saturday night in Tel Aviv to demand
that Israel leave the Gaza Strip. Less well known, however, is the
frenzied activity of the Israeli peace movement to get the army to
leave Gaza in one piece – to end the death and destruction as it seeks
to “save face” for the killing of 13 soldiers last week.
Maybe these were the bulldozers that demolished 62 homes in Rafah during the previous two days www.btselem.org.il. Maybe one of these bulldozers rolled over Rachel Corrie? We’ll never know, though whoever drove them surely knows what he was up to, and must live with it. But the devastation continues. This morning’s Ha’aretz reports that 700-2,000 more Rafah homes may be destroyed in order to widen the buffer zone with Egypt. Relief agencies report that food supplies are dwindling and that potable water is scarce. Hannah just called me to suggest the following: In every city, organize a group (even 2-3 people will do) to bring food and water to the Israeli embassy or consulate, demanding that it be delivered to Rafah. Make sure that the media meet you there to cover the event. Explain to the media that the Israeli army’s assault on Rafah has caused a severe humanitarian crisis, and you are calling upon Israel to deliver the supplies and end its brutal campaign. You may also want to do this at US embassies (or Caterpillar companies), since the United States funds the weapons that make this possible (and Caterpillar sells the bulldozers). The Israeli
government is concerned about the international outcry, and just announced
that it will “compensate” the owners of demolished homes. Now we
have to get it to stop the demolitions. Gila Svirsky,
Coalition of Women for Peace |