July 2006: Brief
Peace Update
1 February
2006: Hamas and Us
6 August 2005:
Goodbye, Gaza
April 2005: Three Demonstrations
and a Seder
January 2005: A Tale of Two Elections
November 2004: License to Kill
14 September 2004: An update of several issues occupying
the Israeli peace movement lately
6 August 2004: Hiroshima
and Depleted Uranium
July 2004: What is actually wrong with the so-called "security
June 2004: Demonstrations against the wall
6 June
2004: "Breaking silence about this subject is exceptional, not
the acts themselves."
25 April 2004:
Anarchy in our Souls
23 May 2004: Protesting the
IDF in Gaza, and how to help
17 March
2004: Rachel
Corrie, a Year Later
1 December
2003: On
the recently signed Geneva Accord
2003: Off with their heads!
June 2003: in
memory of Rachel Corrie
28 February 2003: The Great Wall of
From Gila Svirsky:
"I have every belief that we are going to get to peace sooner
rather than later, though admittedly, not in the term of Ariel Sharon.
The reason for my optimism is that both sides are fed up. We cannot
tolerate the kind of life we have been living for so many years much
longer. Right now there is a sense of fury, frustration, bitterness
and hatred on both sides. What the Israeli action combined with the
terrorist bombings have done is to foster more hatred than anything
over the last 30 years of occupation. We will be able to get past
it – Japan got past two nuclear bombs – but it will take time, and
something a bit more than 'confidence building measures'..."
"Women’s peace activity is characterized by a feminist vision
that sees beyond the end of hostilities; it is a vision of cooperation,
equality and creation of a just society that is not driven by generals
or militarism..."
Living Room, At-Home with Gila Svirsky