women writers and artists

Grace Lee Boggs: Reports from Detroit

Grace Lee Boggs is an activist, writer and speaker whose sixty years of political involvement encompass the major U.S. social movements of this century: Labor, Civil rights, Black Power, Asian American, Women's and Environmental Justice. Friends from many communities helped celebrate her 90th birthday in June 2005. biography here

Her work can be found at the Boggs Center website, and her weekly columns are on-line at:

On her book, "Living for Change" University of Minnesota Press, 1998

"If the future is to be lived the past must be understood." With this paraphrase of Kierkegaard, Grace Lee Boggs ends her effort to provide an account of both her own past and that of an American left. For those seeking to make sense of the contradictory and confusing world of left- wing politics in the US over the course of this century, it is often useful to have a guide.
read full report

Congratulations to Grace Lee Boggs, who turned 91 on June 27, 2006. Read her column Celebrating my 91st birthday
in the Michigan Citizen: "...Among the young people gathered at Beans & Bytes I sensed a new revolutionary/evolutionary movement emerging. They seem to me to have learned the great lesson of the Black Power struggles of the 60s: that militancy and mobilization are not enough to build a 21st century movement. We need to go beyond rebellion. We/they need to create new truths, new language..."

Eco-hoods and eco-villages
Michigan Citizen, June 4-10, 2006
" In South central L.A. local residents and supporters are rallying to save an urban farm that has become a national symbol of urban agriculture as the wave of the future..."

Connecting generations, building community

How shall we celebrate King’s birthday? Conversations with Vincent Harding

Where do we go from here ­ Chaos or Community?*

Bioneers are Solution-Oriented Visionaries

to women writers and artists