As an addition
to our website project work, we are now starting something new: reports,
analyses and statements from women activists and experts available
in pdf format for easy downloading. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Available on-line now: Satomi Oba, Jean Grossholtz. Both women
have been supportive and active members of the Women and Life on Earth
international advisory board since 1999. Satomi Oba passed away suddenly
in late February 2005, a great loss. See our report:
Remembering Satomi Oba

Satomi Oba
reports: Satomi Oba
Japan Summer 2004
(pdf format, 7 pages)
In this
report Satomi Oba, a long-time anti-nuclear activist with particular
concerns for human rights and justice, presents a personal overview
of current issues in her native Japan. She discusses nuclear weapons
and power, the international campaign to halt the militarization
of space, and citizen action for peace.
Lie of the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy:
Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power Plants - Two Sides of the Same
European Trip Report, October 2004 (pdf format, 10 pages) |

Grossholtz |
Cotton Campaign (download here, 8 pages)
"The piece
gives something of the political history of cotton from wild
plant to industrial commodity. It goes without saying that all
our work targets the residual effects of European colonization.
These in turn are amplified by the current global neo-liberal
regime, and its patriarchal capitalist financial institutions
- the World Bank and World Trade Organization (WTO). In the
U.S. and European Union cotton is a small part of economic activity.
But in West Africa it is critical."
Contributors and important voices
Susan Sontag, and the work
of Donella
resource section