Special coverage in the Trump Era

From Public Citizen's Corporate Presidency site: "44 Trump administration officials have close ties to the Koch brothers and their network of political groups, particularly Vice President Mike Pence, White House Legislative Affairs Director Marc Short, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and White House budget director Mick Mulvaney."

Dark Money author Jane Mayer on The Dangers of President Pence, New Yorker, Oct. 23 issue on-line

Can Time Inc. Survive the Kochs? November 28, 2017 By
..."This year, among the Kochs’ aims is to spend a projected four hundred million dollars in contributions from themselves and a small group of allied conservative donors they have assembled, to insure Republican victories in the 2018 midterm elections. Ordinarily, political reporters for Time magazine would chronicle this blatant attempt by the Kochs and their allies to buy political influence in the coming election cycle. Will they feel as free to do so now?"...

"Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America" see: our site, and George Monbiot's essay on this key book by historian Nancy MacLean.

Full interview with The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer March 29, 2017, Democracy Now! about her article, "The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency: How Robert Mercer Exploited America’s Populist Insurgency."

Democracy Now! Special Broadcast from the Women's March on Washington

The Economics of Happiness -- shorter version

Local Futures offers a free 19-minute abridged version  of its award-winning documentary film The Economics of Happiness. It "brings us voices of hope of in a time of crisis." www.localfutures.org.

What's New?

March 13, 2013

Ten years war in Iraq: "What Kind of Liberation? Women and Iraq"

"The invasion and occupation of Iraq defined a generation; the world’s largest anti-war protest was followed by the 3rd longest war in US history." Hear a radio show on women in Iraq and how they...

March 11, 2013

Women of Fukushima, German actions, IPPNW Statement

Preview a film on six women talking about the disaster and how they have been affected. From Germany, a report on Fukushima anniversary demonstrations and more.

March 09, 2013

"Hugo Chávez knew that his revolution depended on women"

Selma James and Nina López writing in the Guardian (UK) on the former president's understanding of the critical role of women in his country -- and their support for him.

March 08, 2013

On International Women's Day 2013

More articles and links of interest.

March 07, 2013

"One billion women and men rising... For a better world"

By Ama Biney at Pambazuka News: "In honour of International Women’ Day (8 March), a global examination of the problems and issues facing women in the last few years is presented. In order for the...

March 04, 2013

Monsanto Conquest Meets Aztec Resistance

Monsanto has a map for conquering the world and Mexico is in the center of it. For nearly two decades the transnational corporation that manufactures the pesticides used across the planet has been...

March 01, 2013

Phyllis Bennis: "Cutting the Military Budget, 2013 Anniversaries, Palestinian Prisoners"

Thanks to Phyllis Bennis for this wide-ranging analysis of the ' sequestration' budget cuts, why austerity is the wrong policy, hopes for a 'new foreign policy', rising tensions in the Middle East...

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