globalization glossary

Find the definition - from  the detailed Canadian website Globalization and Autonomy: "The glossary contains brief articles that provide key information on persons, organizations, events, places, and important concepts. These articles provide background for the research summaries in the Compendium, while also offering an encyclopedia of information on globalization and autonomy."

On Greece and Globalization

August 02, 2015 read the article

We Are All Greece, by Helena Norberg-Hodge

"In the end, the economic problem in Greece is the product of a global system that puts the needs of corporations and banks ahead of people and the planet. The same system is responsible for the polluted rivers and air in China, for the sweatshop conditions in Bangladesh, for the economic refugees from Africa desperately seeking asylum in Europe, and for the collapsing economies of Puerto Rico, Greece, and beyond."...

Published on Friday, July 31, 2015, by Common Dreams

Globalization and Terror

Globalization and Terror
October 28, 2015 by Helena Norberg-Hodge

Excerpt: "Until about 500 years ago, local cultures throughout the world were the products of a dialogue between humans and a particular place, growing and evolving from the bottom up in response to local conditions. Cultures have absorbed and responded to outside influences such as trade, but the process of conquest, colonialism, and development that has affected so much of the world is fundamentally different: it has forcefully imposed change from the outside. And since the end of World War II, the forces dismantling local economies have grown far more powerful. Today, speculative investment and transnational corporations are transforming every aspect of life—people’s language, their music, their buildings, their agriculture, and the way they see the world. That top-down form of cultural change works against diversity, against the very fabric of life."

Read the full essay here

Globalization in 2015

2015: The Trans-Atlantic "Free Trade" Agreement (TAFTA)

In Europe it's called TTIP, in the US "TAFTA" but it's the same deal:
U.S. and European Corporations' Latest Attack Consumer and Environmental Safeguards
See information and fact sheet from Public Citizen

What's wrong with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)? -- the view from Germany
Here is the text of a petition with
wide support in Europe:

The proposed free-trade agreement “TTIP” between the EU and the USA serves the interests of corporations and not of citizens:

  • TTIP undermines democracy and the rule of law :  The agreement allows foreign corporations to sue countries for high compensation in secretive, arbitration proceedings when countries pass laws that could reduce the profits.
  • TTIP opens the door to privatization : The agreement will make it easier for corporations to earn profits from the public water supply and health and education systems, all at the public’s expense.
  • TTIP endangers our health : Practices that are legally allowed in the U.S. would legally be permitted in the EU. This clears the way for fracking , genetically-modified food production, and hormone-treated cattle. The agreement weakens the peasant and family-farming agriculture and grants the agricultural industry even more power.
  • TTIP undermines freedom : The agreement opens the way for even more monitoring and surveillance of internet users. Excessive copyright regulations restrict free access to culture, education, and science.
  • TTIP is practically irreversible : Once agreed upon , the contracts for elected politicians are essentially no longer ammendable as every change requires agreement by all parties. Germany could not unilaterally decide to withdraw from the contract , as it is the EU, and not Germany, who signs enters into the agreement.

Source: campakt! de

Information sources on current trade deals:
There is a lot of opposition in Europe. See the English language site of the European Parliament:

Women and globalization

The Public Eye Awards: voting results here

Every January during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the Swiss Berne Declaration and Greenpeace Switzerland give a prize to the worst company identified by groups around the world. The goal: to expose cases of corporate environmental offences and violations. This year our WLOE internet project team researched and nominated the Norwegian salmon farming company MARINE HARVEST, especially for their dangerous operations in Chile. The salmon from Chile lands on tables worldwide, at great cost to the indigenous people of the region (the Mapuche); the mostly female workforce; the environment and local fisheries -- and risk to consumers' health. Our proposal was one of the final choices in this 'contest.' WLOE has worked a lot over the years on issues of globalization and corporate control of food. Although voters around the world judged other corporations to be worse than Marine Harvest, we were glad to 'shine a light' on this example of corporate injustice.  more

Women and global justice -- more important than ever

Here we offer mainly older information, although most links are still active and valuable -- take a look!