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Econexus investigates, reports and acts on threats to biodiversity, climate, ecosystems, local and agro-ecological farming systems, food security & sovereignty, health and the interests of indigenous peoples and local communities. A particular focus are new and emerging technologies, their implications and risks.

Women and Ecology

A little poison is a dangerous thing...

New video: Little Things Matter: The Impact of Toxins on the Developing Brain.
This 7-minute video featuring Dr. Bruce Lanphear and sponsored by Simon Fraser University Engagement Fund and Artemis Fund summarizes what's known about extremely low levels of toxins and brain development.
(Source: The Collaborative on Health and the Environment, CHE, November 2014)

The latest on plastics

New research reveals that  dangerous chemicals are present even in so-called 'safe'  plastics. See this report on the grist website, March 2014:
Ask Umbra: So even BPA-free plastic is poisonous now?

Rio+20 and the Green Economy

Technocrats, Meta-industrials, WSF and Occupy: In this paper scholar-activist Ariel Salleh asks: "Whereas the official pitch for Rio Earth Summit 1992 was 'our common future', the Rio+20 meeting in Brazil this June speaks to a negotiating text called The Future We Want. The question of course, is who is this 'we'?" more

Rio + 20: women's voices and calls for a paradigm shift

"Rio de Janeiro: (24 June 2012) The Women’s Major Group (WMG) at Rio+20, representing 200 civil society women’s organizations from all around the world, is greatly disappointed and seriously outraged by the results of the “official” deliberations at the United Nations’ Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20. We believe that the governments of the world have failed women, future generations and our beautiful but fragile planet earth."
Full press release here

A final statement by the women's group critical of the conference concluded: "At Rio+20, governments had a historic chance to take bold steps to end poverty and environmental destruction, to protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of our societies, to take concrete measures to fully implement women’s rights and women’s leadership. We now risk increased poverty, inequities and irreversible environmental damage. This is not the future we want, nor the future we need." Read the final women's group statement here

Other voices:

Vandana Shiva: 'Making Peace With the Earth Is a Survival Imperative'
The Indian activist Shiva discussed environmental activism and the Rio+20 Summit in a radio interview, and urged 'a paradigm shift away from the pervasive short-sighted growth model we see failing all around us, and says that "making peace with the earth" is now a "survival imperative."
Read article and hear interview 

The US daily news program Democracy Now! has excellent coverage on Rio + 20, including critiques by African, youth and civil society representatives.
A particularly important interview was with Canadian ecologist-expert David Suzuki. In it he concludes:
"if we don’t see the that we are utterly imbedded in the natural world and dependent on nature, not technology, not economics, not science — we are dependent on Mother Nature for our very well being and survival. If we don’t see that, then our priorities will continue to be driven by man-made constructs like national borders, economies, corporations, markets. Those are all human created things. They shouldn’t dominate the way we live. It should be the biosphere. And the leaders in that should be the indigenous people who still have that sense, that the earth is truly are mother, that it gives birth to us. You don’t treat your mother the way we treat the planet or the biosphere today. If we do not make that fundamental shift, then we will just go on, oh we got to be more efficient we got to have a green economy, and all that stuff, but we haven’t fundamentally changed in our relationship with the biosphere."
From transcript of interview here



Women and agriculture 2011

UN report highlights disadvantages faced by women in agricultural employment.
21 January 2011 – "Women continue to reap less benefits from employment in agriculture than men in rural areas, and the recent global financial and food crises have slowed down progress towards gender equality in farming-related labour, three United Nations agencies said in a joint report unveiled today.

According to the report, compiled by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Labour Organization (ILO), women face discrimination that limits both their economic productivity and their personal development.

The report – entitled “Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: Differentiated pathways out of poverty” – notes that women need access to education, training, credit, markets, technical assistance and labour protection. They also need equal, secure access to land and other assets and “social capital,” including the ability to participate equally in farmers’ organizations." more

Women and Climate Change 2010

June 2010: EcoMujer, WECF and WLOE e.V. call for women’s action for climate justice

From May 31 to June 11, 2010, a climate conference in Bonn prepared for the next big climate summit meeting in Mexico (December 2010). Given the lack of political action in Copenhagen, a Climate Wave alliance formed. Among other activities it organized a demonstration on June 5 (World Environment Day) to take a stand for climate protection and climate justice.  We participated in this demonstration because climate/environmental issues are intrinsically related to issues of gender justice.

Women, biological and cultural diversity

The UN Convention on Biodiversity
Women from around the world attended the 9th bi-annual UN conference on biodiversity in May 2008. Some met together daily in a women's caucus. Preparations are beginning for women's voices and concerns to be heard at the 'last' planned UN Convention on Biodiversity, to be held in Nagoya, Japan, in October 2010.

The Japan Citizens’ Network for Planet Diversity is planning meetings and other activities.

Women and Biodiversity: Statement from representatives of the Women’s Caucus during the COP 9 ('Conference of the Parties' to the 9th Convention on Biological Diversity), Bonn May 2008:
"We are women scientists, activists, mothers, peasants, producers, consumers, teachers… 
from different countries all over the world. We speak on our own behalf and also on behalf of the voiceless women of the world. Worldwide anti-democratic structures and development models have often no respect for us women, our decision-making needs, our power and our creativity."...
Full statement in pdf format here, 1 p.

Decision of the Conference of the Parties: "Welcomes the development by the Executive Secretary of the Gender Plan of Action under the Convention on Biological Diversity, (UNEP/CBD/COP/9/INF/12/Rev.1), and invites Parties to support the implementation of the Plan by the Secretariat."

Bacvkground on COP 9: Earth Negotiations Bulletin: SUMMARY OF THE NINTH CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY or in pdf format, 22 pp. to download.

Planet Diversity: World Congress on the Future of Food and Agriculture  

Bonn, Germany      May 12 -16, 2008

See Women at Planet Diversity

"Women of Planet Diversity" gathering after the
Thursday workshop, May 15, 2008