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• environmental health
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• ecofeminism
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• struggling against the odds
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Selected titles:
- "Medicine Stories," by Aurora Levins Morales
- "Remedios," by Aurora Levins Morales
- "Global AIDS: Myths and Facts," by A. Irwin, J. Millen & D. Fallows
- "The Dying of the Trees," by Charles E. Little
- "Allergic to the Twentieth Century," by Peter Radetsky
- "Women@internet," by Wendy Harcourt
Other books of interest

Matriarchal Societies: Studies on Indigenous Cultures Across the Globe
PETER LANG PUB, Apr 15, 2012 - 533 pages
"This book presents the results of Heide Goettner-Abendroth's pioneering research in the field of modern matriarchal studies, based on a new definition of "matriarchy" as true gender-egalitarian societies. Accordingly, matriarchal societies should not be regarded as mirror images of patriarchal ones, as they have never needed patriarchy's hierarchical structures of domination. On the contrary, matriarchal patterns are socially egalitarian, economically balanced, and politically based on consensus decisions. They have been created by women and are founded on maternal values. This new perspective on matriarchal societies is developed step by step by the analysis of extant indigenous cultures in Asia, Africa, and the Americas." Source
Medicine Stories
History, Culture, and the Politics of Integrity
Aurora Levins Morales
South End Press, 1998, 136 pages
ISBN 0-89608-581-3 $14.00
In Medicine Stories, Levins Morales writes lucidly about the complexities of social identity. Her lyrical meditations on ecology, children's liberation, sexuality, and history show how political transformation and personal healing are inextricably bound. Levins Morales is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and was raised as a Jewish "red diaper baby" in the mountains of Puerto Rico.
At the heart of this book is the conviction that our survival depends on crafting a political practice capable of healing all our wounds, from global, macro-economic injustices to the intimate scars of cruelty in our own lives. With essays on Puerto Rican-Jewish relations, English as a Puerto Rican language, and race and the invention of "whiteness."
"[Medicine Stories] opens our eyes to the risks we need to confront in order to do serious feminist history." —Cynthia Enloe
"(Morales) ... asks us to consider the sexual abuse of a woman and child as an act of political violence ... with a rare eloquence and clarity of vision, using her own life as text and road sign in this collection of essays." —Sojourner: The Women's Forum
"Reading Medicine Stories is like walking the first miles of this road with a wise and kind guide. Along the road, Morales shows us tools for thinking about our most painful individual and collective memories, longings, and fears." —La Voz de Esperanza
"Spirituality, integrity, history, liberation, transforming victimhood: these and other concepts are covered in what is a melodic and engaging prose in Medicine Stories." —Works in Progress
Stories of Earth and Iron from the History of Puertorriqueñas
Aurora Levins Morales
South End Press, 2001, 244 pages
ISBN 0-89608-644-5 paper $17
Remedios offers a curative history of the many women - and cultures - who have met at the crossroads of the island of Puerto Rico. Unraveling of the key roots of identity in the New World, Aurora Levins Morales creates a powerful compendium for the activists who know that McDonald's and IBM are not the ultimate source of all sustenance and knowledge. Here is a history of the Western world that would overturn the rule of dead white men. Beginning with the First Mother in sub-Saharan Africa more than 200,000 years ago, Levins Morales takes readers on a journey through time and around the globe. Vibrantly drawing the lives of many remarkable women, Levins Morales delves into the lives of Juana de Asbaje, author of the "Reply to Sor Filotea" in 1693, the first feminist essay written in the New World; Gracia Nasi, Constantinople's "Queen of the Jews"; the African-American activist and warrior of words Ida B. Wells; and the unlikely martyr and symbol, Ethel Rosenberg. Levins Morales weaves in her own story of pain and healing, ameliorated by the restorative power of memory, finding within these stories of individual and communal resistance to abuse new lessons in the history of liberation. This historical memoir revives our connection to the forgotten lore of our grandmothers, featuring explanations of the medicinal properties of herbs and foods such as rosemary, ginkgo, and banana. With love, joy, and defiance, Levins Morales offers Remedios as testimony to those barely recorded or known to history, the women who shaped our world.
"Captivating language and enticing cadence are characteristics of the enchanting prose Morales employs in this gathering of uniquely realized vignettes. . . . countless tales of resilient individuals grappling with hardships in Morales' exciting melange of stories ultimately affirming the empowerment of women." —Booklist
“Re-imagining women within the global sweep, Remedios spirals out from its Puerto Rican center in prose so delicate and fierce it hurts.” —Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, author of Among the White Moon Faces
“Aurora Levins Morales's poetic gifts are in full flower in Remedios. She gives us new insights into what it means to be Puertorriqueña.” —Esmerelda Santiago, author of When I Was Puerto Rican
Global AIDS: Myths and Facts
Tools for Fighting the AIDS Pandemic
Alexander Irwin, Joyce Millen and Dorothy Fallows
Introduction by Paul Farmer, Preface by Zackie Achmat
South End Press, 2003, 296 pages
ISBN 0-89608-673-9 paper $19.00
Today, 42 million people are living with HIV/AIDS—the vast majority of them in the developing world.
Yet even as life-prolonging treatment with antiretrovirals has become the standard of care in the United States and other affluent countries, those afflicted in low-income countries are fighting the disease without access to minimal care OR drugs. In fact, according to the UN, only 300,000 people in poor countries are receiving antiretrovirals.
Global AIDS: Myths and Facts shatters 10 myths about HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention—such as "AIDS is an African problem," "treatment in developing countries is not technically feasible," and the myth of limited resources"—while calling for an international movement to fight the disease.
The Dying of the Trees:
The Pandemic in America's Forests
Charles E. Little
Allergic to the Twentieth Century
Peter Radetsky
Little Brown
Creating new cultures in cyberspace
Ed. Wendy Harcourt
Zed Books, New York 1999 240p. ISBN 1 85649 572 8
"This is the first major analysis of the emerging cultural characteristics of women's activities on the Internet across the globe. It brings together anthropologists, communications experts, development workers, media analysts and women's movement activists to ask: are women caught in the net or weaving it themselves? … essential reading for students and academics in sociology of science, communications and cultural studies, development and women's studies; as well as all those with an interest in the newly emerging cybercultures." (from cover text)