Women at Planet Diversity: May 2008
World Congress on the Future of Food and Agriculture
Bonn, Germany May 12 -16, 2008
"Women of Planet Diversity" gathering after the
Thursday workshop, May 15, 2008
Bonn, former German capital and now a center of United Nations activity, hosted the May, 2008 Convention on Biological Diversity. The start of negotiations was greeted by Planet Diversity: a demonstration, festival and conference for biological and cultural diversity in food and agriculture. Women and Life on Earth helped with preparations in Bonn and women's workshops and events during the conference.
The Festival of Diversity on May 12th included a Women's Pavilion among the thematic festival tents.
There were focused women's workshops: the first was on Tuesday, May 13th:
Women's Action for Biodiversity, past and present - What have we done and where are we now? (click on title for more information)
The second workshop was on Thursday, May 15th:
Women, Diversity and Agriculture: strategies for survival and solidarity
Link to the closing press release here.
Read the Women's Statement at the closing plenary and see it on You Tube:
Planet Diversity Bonn: Women's statement at final plenary, part 1
Planet Diversity: Women's statement at final plenary, part 2