links on military spending
Cambridge Common Rally, Mass. Peace Action 
National Priorities Project: fighting for a U.S. federal budget that prioritizes peace, economic security and shared prosperity
War Resisters League Pie Chart Flyers - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes
Global Days of Action on Military Spending, from April 14 to May 3rd, 2018.

Tax Day 2018: A Bonanza for Corporations and the Military

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 By Lindsay Koshgarian, Truthout | News Analysis

"The IRS is projected to gather roughly $1.6 trillion in individual income taxes this year, and these taxes will make up almost half of the revenue of the federal government for 2017.

By comparison, corporations are expected to pay $297 billion in federal income taxes. Individuals will contribute five times as much in income taxes to the federal government as corporations do.

It wasn't always this way. Corporations used to pay more income taxes than individuals did. In 1943, for example, corporations contributed 40 percent of federal revenues, compared to just 9 percent today.

What happened?"

Read full article
Lindsay Koshgarian is program director of the National Priorities Project, working for a federal budget that prioritizes peace, shared prosperity and economic opportunity for all.

Following the Money: the US military budget

February 02, 2018

Huge Military Budgets Make Us Broke, Not Safe

Miriam Pemberton writes: "The president and his party are now looking to add somewhere between $30 and $70 billion more in military spending to their budget for next year — on top of the increases for this year. Democrats seem willing to go along, with a few caveats.
Nobody seems worried anymore about adding to the financial hole we just dug for ourselves and our children with $1.5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich."

Huge Military Budgets Make Us Broke, Not Safe

"Backing down from nuclear war would make us a lot safer than piling more money into the Pentagon."

By Miriam Pemberton, January 31, 2018, Foreign Policy in Focus, originally published in OtherWords


Order your FY19 Pie Charts!

Do you know where your income tax goes? In a just world, it'd go to free and comprehensive healthcare and education. It'd go to free and affordable housing and restorative rehabilitation. It'd go to a universal living wage. Too bad we don't live in that world. Last month, Congress unilaterally passed a $716 billion "defense" budget for fiscal year 2019 for its continued imperialist agenda - a budget that's only made possible through your federal income dollars.