PeaceWomen Across the Globe

One hundred years after the first woman, Bertha von Suttner, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905, one thousand women from 150 countries were nominated as a group for the award. Although they did not receive the prize that year, the women and their lives stand as invaluable testimony to the power of what one person -- with many others -- can accomplish.
The book "1000 PeaceWomen Across the Globe" presents the women and their work. For information on the book and how to order it.
Visit the English section of the Peacewomen site.
See our WLOE reports in Spanish on the 98 winners from Spain and Central and South America, here.
"We are convinced that the network of 1000 women, now spread across the globe, will have an influence on peace politics" -- 1000 PeaceWomen project

About the project, background:
The project began in 2003 as a Swiss initiative, then become global. Volunteer coordinators and many helpers from 20 different regions of the world identified and documented the women nominated in their area. The women selected are presented on-line with short biographies; the book on the 1000 women was published in late November 2005. It presents each woman's life story, work and visions, written by hundreds of journalists all over the world. The book is a clearly structured reference for NGOs, peace networks, women’s networks and official institutions. A travelling exhibit with texts and pictures also documents the 1000 women.
In October 2005 it was announced that the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize winners were the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Director General, Mohamed El Baradei. The initiators of the project "1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005" congratulate the recipient of the prize. "Of course we are disappointed, as we had hoped very much that the 1000 women would be recognized for their untiring and courageous work in the cause of peace," said the initiator and Swiss politician Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold, "but we are also proud that within less than three years we have brought attention to the outstanding work done by these women in the cause of promoting peace."
CodePink founder Medea Benjamin was among the 41 US women honored, also Congresswomen Barbara Lee and Cynthia McKinney, singer Holly Near and original Women and Life on Earth co-founder in 1979 Grace Paley. The Women of Color Resource Center's Executive Director Linda Burnham was also among the 1000 women from 150 countries jointly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.