Contributors and important voices
Remembering Susan Sontag and the work of Donella Meadows
Click on the pictures to read their texts:
Starhawk (click for her homepage) is an author of eleven books on feminist and earth-based spirituality, an activist, permaculture designer and teacher, and director of Earth Activist Training. She is a panelist for the On Faith site devoted to religion, run by Newsweek and the Washington Post.
Starhawk has long been active for peace in the Middle East. Her writings can be found on Starhawk's Israel/Palestine page. Some of her work has been translated into German.
"Because I believe the earth is a living being, because we are all part of that life, because every human being embodies the Goddess, because I have a fierce, passionate love for redwoods and ravens, because clear running water is sacred, I'm an activist. And because the two hundred richest people in the world own as much wealth as the poorest forty percent, because every ecosystem, traditional culture, old growth forest and life support system on the planet is under assault, and because the institutions perpetuating this unjust system are global, I'm kept very busy! Here are some of the current campaigns I'm involved, with some good resources and website links. You'll also find my current writings, information on trainings, and resources for activist trainers/preparers."
-- Starhawk
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